Julius Caesar Journals
1. Describe a time you should have listened to a warning, but didnŐt.
2. Describe a time one of your friends went too far.
3. Describe a time someone stabbed you in the back.
4. Describe what you are committed to. What do you believe in?
5. Choose one theme from the play and apply it to your life.
6. Describe a time you got revenge.
7. Describe the closest friend you have ever had. What is/was he/she like? What made you two close?
8. Describe a time you felt everyone was against you.
9. Describe a time you felt utter despair.
10. Choose one theme from the play and apply it to your life.
11. Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in free will?
12. Describe how your private life is different from your public self.
13. Describe a time you misinterpreted something you saw, heard, felt.
14. Are you more flexible or inflexible? Do you compromise often or do you hate to compromise?
15. Which of the characters from the play are you most similar to? Explain.