“Second Culture Kids” from First Crossing


Spanish vocabulary:


Gracias, Presidente Chavez                Thanks, President Chavez

Mi escuela                                           my school

Señora                                                 Mrs., lady                   

Los mercados                                      the markets

Chavistas                                             supports of Chavez    

Una chica venezolana                         a Venozuelan girl

Navidad                                               Christmas

Casa                                                    house

¡Cómo no!                                           Of course not!

Gracias a Dios                                    Thank God

Mis amigos                                          my friends

Español                                               Spanish

Cien mil millones bolívares                 a hundred thousand million bolivares (the money in Venezuela)

Un apartamento                                  an apartment

Mantequilla                                         butter

Pronto                                                 soon, quickly

Cosméticos                                          cosmetics, make-up

Hola                                                    Hi

Chico                                                   boy

Guacamayo                                         a very colorful bird

¿Cómo está?                                       How are you?

Estúpida                                              stupid

¿Cómo se llama?                                What is your name?

¿Y tú?                                                  And you?

Una profesora                                     a teacher

Panaderías                                          bakeries

Cazerolazo                                          making loud noise by hitting pots and pans

Vigilantes                                            guards

Feliz Navidad                                      Merry Christmas

Bueno                                                  good

Muy                                                     very

Muy grande                                         very big

Querida                                               dear


Morsa                                                  walrus

Abuela                                                 grandmother

Abuelo                                                 grandfather

Muy bien                                             very well, very good