Frankenstein Journals

Journal 1                                   Letters 1

What do you wish you were really good at?  What do you wish you know more about?  Have you ever wanted to excel in something so much, it caused you to do something that you would not normally do?  Explain.


Journal 2                                   Letters 2

Do you think ambition makes a person better or worse?  Explain.  Can you think of a person who was driven to excel in their field and became obsessed with success?  Explain.


Journal 3                                   Letters 3

What are some things we feel guilty about?  Do you think guilt is a necessary part of our human nature?  Explain.  What are some ways to relieve guilt? 


Journal 4                                   Letters 4

Think about a person you think is innocent or immature.  How could this person benefit from your maturity and life experience?  How could this person be helped if they learned from your example?  What could you teach someone? 


Journal 5                                   Chapter 1

Do you think your childhood has anything to do with the way you are today?  Why or why not?  Do you think what you do today will have any impact on what you will be doing ten years from now?  Why or why not? 


Journal 6                                   Chapter 2

Where do you hope to be five years from now?  Do you think fate will lead you where you should be or are you taking steps to assure your destiny?


Journal 7                                   Chapter 3

Is Victor Frankenstein stepping out of bounds by trying to create life?  Is he going against nature/God?  Do you think scientists should create life?  Why?


Journal 8                                   Chapter 4

Do you think scientists should conduct painful experiments on animals?  Why or why not?  Do you think scientists should clone people?  Why or why not?  Do you think scientists should grow human organs in mammals?  Why or why not?                  


Journal 9                                   Chapter 5

Why do people abandon children?  What are some reasons people ruin away from their responsibilities?  How do you think children who are abandoned feel?  Explain.


Journal 10                                 Chapter 6

Do you think it was right for Victor to abandon his creation?  Explain.  How do you think the creature felt to wake up in a strange place and have the first person he saw, the man who made him, run away from him?  Explain.


Journal 11                                 Chapter 7

Do you think that most people who are in jail are guilty of the crimes they are accused of?  Why or why not?  Do you think most people in jail are getting what they deserve?  Why or why not?


Journal 12                                 Chapter 8

Do you think everyone guilty of a crime is eventually punished?  Why or why not?  If your friend was being accused of a crime you committed, would you confess?  Why or why not?


Journal 13                                 Chapters 11-12

A person who is barbaric is wild, primitive, unsophisticated, and without mercy.  In what ways are people in our society barbaric?  List five barbaric acts people in our society are guilty of.


Journal 14                                 Chapter 13

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?  Why?  What do you think your name says about you?  What do you think people imagine when they hear your name?


Journal 15                                 Chapter 14

If you had a child, what would you name him/her?  Why?  What would you think of someone who didnŐt bother to name his/her child?  What do you think a child with no name would think about himself/herself? 


Journal 16                                 Chapter 15

If someone has hurt you, do you seek revenge or do you seek to forgive that person?  Explain.  Describe a time you chose to forgive someone for something they did to you.  How did it feel afterwards?


Journal 17                                 Chapter 16

Describe a time you chose to seek revenge for something someone did to you.  How did you feel afterwards?  Is the creature right in seeking revenge from Victor?  Explain.


Journal 18                                 Chapter 17

How long would you wait for the man/woman you loved to propose to you?  Explain.  How long would you wait for an estranged friend to be his old self again?  Explain.


Journal 19                                 Chapter 18

Do you think true friendship exists?  Give one example from your own experience that proves true friendship does or does not exist.  Is Victor Frankenstein a good friend?  Why or why not?


Journal 20                                 Chapter 21

Victor gets sick almost every time there is a calamity in his life.  Do you think that emotional stress has an effect on the body?  Do you ever feel drained when you are stressed out?  How do you think your body reacts to stress?  What can you do about stress?