Tree Girl Chapter 1

1.      What does the narrator of the novel say she did before she was able to walk. 1

2.      What reason does the narrator give for the old women scolding her? 2

3.      What transformation does the narrator say she will go through at her quinceaniera? 3

4.      What animal does the narrator compare the drunk boys to? 5

5.      How does the narrator escape the boys? 8

6.      How does the narrator trap the boys? 9

7.      What is the boys’ punishment for chasing the narrator?

8.      What nationality is Gabriela? 12

9.      What is her father’s hope for Gabriela? 12

10.  What qualities does Gabriela’s mother tell her she has? 13

11.  What does Gabriela’s mother tell her is coming to her country? 14

12.  What do you think Gabriela would like to be when she grows up?

13.  What do you think this book is going to be about?

14.  What are two sentences that stand out to you?



Tree Girl Chapter 1   Vocabulary


Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   coax




2.   gaze





3.   canton





4.   huipil





5.   weave





6.   scramble





7.   cowards





8.   chuckle



9.   plead





10.  dignity






1.      The boys had to ________ up the tree to try to catch Gabriela.

2.      Gabriela says the trees _______ her to their branches.

3.      Don Guillermo ______ when he saw the trapped boys.

4.      The narrator _________ up at the leaves as if they were calling her.

5.      The people in the Guatemalan _______ all helped each other.

6.      Gabriela respected her parents’ wisdom and ______.

7.      The boys began to _______ Gabriela not to sway the tree back and forth.

8.      Gabriella weaved a special ________ for her quinceanera.

9.      Gabriella had to _________ her own blouse.           

10.  Gabriela calls the boys _________.