Tree Girl Chapter 7-8

1.             What is wrong with Antonio when Gabriela finds him?

2.             What does the helicopter do?

3.             What size is Antonio’s wound?

4.             What was Alicia doing when the soldiers arrived at the Canton?

5.             What was Antonio doing when he was shot?

6.             Gabriela notices that Alicia is not doing something.  What is it?

7.             What happens to Antonio?

8.             How far does Gabriela have to travel to the Mexican border?

9.             When Gabriela asks the pregnant woman what she can do, what does she respond?

10.       When the infant is not breathing, what does Gabriela have to do?

11.       What does Gabriela do to try to feed the baby?

12.       What is wrong with the baby’s mother?

13.       What does Gabriela look like to the people of the pueblo?

14.       What do the vendors of the pueblo give to Gabriela?

15.       When the soldiers enter the town, what do they do?




Tree Girl Chapter 7–8 Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   wound






2.   huddle






3.  gasping






4.   tightened






5.   grasshopper






6.   appreciation






7.   awkwardly






8.     desperately






9.    knot






10. jagged 







1.  Antonio’s ______________ was the size of a fist.


2.  Gabriela found a ____________ rock to rip the cord.


3.  Gabriela found the children in a _______________.


4.  The baby’s umbilical cord had to be tied in a  _______________.


5.  The pregnant mother was ________________ for breath.


6.  Gabriela tried to carry her sister, but she did it ___________ because she was so tired.


7.  Alicia  _________________ her grip on her sister’s hand when she was afraid.


8.  Alicia watched the bugs and _____________ that lived in the forest.


9.  Unless you have lost everything you have, you do not experience true _______________.


10.  The mother tried _______________ to deliver her baby.



Wound                                    Huddle                                    Gasping                       Tightened

Grasshopper                            Appreciation                Awkwardly                 Desperately

Knot                                        Jagged


1.     clumsily, not smoothly


2.     an injury, usually involving division of tissue


3.     to crowd together, to curl up


4.     a sudden short breath


5.     to close firmly around


6.     a small green insect


7.     gratitude, thankful recognition


8.     making a final, ultimate effort


9.     fastening or binding of a cord


10.  having ragged points or teeth