Tree Girl Chapter 13-14

1.              What happened to Alicia after Gabriela left her in the forest?

2.              What does Carmen mean when she says, ÒKindness can kill you in this placeÓ?

3.              How does Carmen know that Alicia is capable of speaking?

4.              What does Maria suggest they name the child?  Why?

5.              What does Alicia do that shows how angry she is about what she has seen?

6.              How does Gabriela help the children smile and laugh?

7.              Why does Gabiela argue that the camp needs a ball?

8.              How did the truck drivers get the people to form lines?

9.              What did MarioÕs brother Edgar die of?

10.           Why does Mario tell Gabriela, ÒFor you, being a female is a war that youÕll fight all of your life.  For both of us, being Indio is a war we fought even before the soldiers came.Ó

11.           According to Gabriela, what makes Mario a good teacher?

12.           How does Mario help the children and their parents feel more at ease?

13.           What promise did Gabriela make to her parents?

14.           How do the aid workers assist Gabriela and Mario with their school?

15.           What news does Mario give Gabriela after theyÕve been teaching for three months?



Tree Girl Chapter 13-14 Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   clinging






2.   cradled






3.  glimmer






4.   creased






5.   filth






6.   intent






7.   knuckles






8.     grunt






9.     somber






10.   relented







1                             Her small ______________ bled when she punched the earth.

2                             She sometimes allowed a ______________ when she kicked the ball.

3                             Alicia was always seen _____________ to Gabriela.

4                             There was a _______________ of hope in Gabriela when she heard of US.

5                             The ___________ of the refugee camp was terrible.

6                             She was not hiding the _________ of her words.

7                             The children stared with ____________ looks on their faces.

8                             The woman finally ___________ and got the children a ball.

9                             Gabriela ____________ the baby, Milagro.

10                          The papers became ______________ in her bag.


11.                To have a plan                                       ___________________


12.                 the joints of the hands                     ____________________   


13.                to let someone do something you wouldnÕt have before _______________


14.                to make a low rough sound        ____________________


15.                 very serious, very sad               ____________________


16.                to hold an infant in arms              ____________________


17.                to stick close to                          ____________________


18.                a faint or steady light                  ____________________


19.                a ridge or groove made by folding         _____________________


20.                offensive, disgusting, dirt          _______________________