Tree Girl Chapter 9-10

1.             What does Gabriela see when she peeks out from the tree to the plaza?

2.             How did the soldiers separate the people?

3.             What does Gabriela see the soldiers do to a girl in the plaza?

4.             What did the soldiers do with the bodies of the people they killed?

5.             Describe some of the evil things the soldiers do.

6.             Why does Gabriela feel like a coward?

7.             What does Gabriela remember after the soldiers have gone?

8.             Why does Gabriela avoid people on the trail?

9.             What does Gabriela do when the people beg food from her?

10.       How does Gabriela describe the children on the trail?

11.       Why does Gabriela refuse to climb the trees to get berries for the people?

12.       Mayans on the trail were dying from what two things?

13.       What do the two Mexican officials tell Gabriela when she gets to the Mexican refugee camp?

14.       How many days does Gabriela walk to Mexico?

15.       How far does Gabriela walk?




Tree Girl Chapter 7–8 Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   pinched






2.   vendors






3.  tethers






4.   muffled






5.   herded






6.   haunted






7.   limped






8.     platoons






9.     amoebas






10.  wade







  1. The soldiers ____________ the people out of the plaza.


  1. All the Mayans had the look of _______________ desperation.


  1. Many people were hurt and ______________ as they walked.


  1. I came to a large river and had no choice but to _______________ across.


  1. It was as if a big fist ___________ my throat and squeezed.


  1. I peeked out from between the leaves at the ___________ across the plaza.


  1. Goats and sheep twisted frantically at the end of their ______________.


  1. I could hear the peopleÕs _____________ shouts from the closed church


  1. The _____________ of soldiers walked with guns.


  1. Starvation, cholera and ______________ infected the people. 


  1.  To squeeze very hard                                                 ____________________


  1. a kind of intestinal disease                                           ____________________


  1. to gather together                                                         ___________________


  1. walk slowly because of injuries                                  ____________________       
  2. a group of                                                                    ____________________


  1. deadened sound                                                           ____________________


  1. obsessed with an emotion or idea                                ____________________


  1. a restrain like a rope                                                    ____________________


  1. someone who sells goods for money                          ____________________


  1.  walk through shallow water                                       ____________________