Macbeth Characters

1.   _____________     the instigators of the play because their prophecies prompt Macbeth to action.

2.   _____________     a general of Duncan's army before he gets greedy and wants the crown for himself.

3.   _____________     the king of Scotland who is betrayed in the beginning of the play by the Thane of Cawdor.

4.   _____________     Duncan's oldest son and heir to the Scottish throne.

5.   _______________    is where Macduff and his family live.

6.   _____________     the witches prophesy that his descendants will rule Scotland, his ghost haunts Macbeth at a banquet,

7.   _____________     Insists that Macbeth murder Duncan and take the throne for himself, drives herself mad because of her guilt over the murders.

8.   _____________     is a hill on which Macbeth has a castle. This is where he stays to await Malcolm's troops.

9.   _____________     a Scottish noble who suspects that Macbeth has murdered Duncan, entire family is killed.

10.        _____________the younger of Duncan's sons. He flees for Ireland after his father is murdered at Macbeth's castle in Inverness.

11.        _____________a forest near Dunsinane Hill. Malcolm's men disguise themselves with tree branches

12.        _____________a Thane, a nobleman, of Scotland, seems to side with Macbeth for most of the play, but in the end he is with Malcolm and the English                    soldiers who are fighting against Macbeth.

13.        _____________is where Macbeth's castle is before he becomes king

14.        _____________Banquo's son and a threat to Macbeth

15.        _____________the goddess of witchcraft who decides that Macbeth must be punished

16.        _____________her children are murdered in their home 

17.        _____________the Earl of Northumberland, general of the English forces, who helps Malcolm fight Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth               Macduff               Fleance                Hecate
Donalbain                     Lennox                The Witches        Macbeth
Duncan                          Malcolm               Banquo                Fife
Lady Macduff                Siward                 Inverness
Dunsinane Hill              Birnam Wood